Search Results: "Charles Plessy"

7 April 2016

Charles Plessy: FreeDesktop entries enter in the Debian Policy.

After a long journey that lasted almost three years, the use of FreeDesktop entries is now documented in our Policy. An as a bonus, this new version 3.9.8 of the Policy also reminds that new media types should be registered to the IANA. Thanks to everybody who made this possible.

15 October 2015

Charles Plessy: The slippery slope.

Step by step, one slips towards the bottom:
  1. One should be blunt with those who are wrong.
  2. One is blunt when one is right.
  3. When one thinks to be right, one is blunt.
  4. One is wrong and blunt.
Let's note anyway that one can slip to the bottom without being vulgar or insulting. In any large project like Debian, one can find people who know how to be very oppressive, while keeping a very correct communication style. Debian is a broad project, and it is easy to avoid them, unless one tries make contributions that can be related to keywords like committee , code , policy , delegation , etc. In that case, it is better to retrieve the good old thick skin from the cupboard where we stored it after our code of conduct was adopted...

10 August 2015

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 15 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the reproducible builds effort this week: Toolchain fixes Guillem Jover uploaded dpkg/1.18.2 which makes dependency comparisons deep by comparing not only the first dependency alternative, to get them sorted in a reproducible way. Original patch by Chris Lamb. Dhole updated the patch adding support for SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in gettext. A modified package is in the experimental reproducible repository. Valentin Lorentz submitted a patch adding support for SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to ocamldoc. Valentin Lorentz also opened a bug about the inability to set an arbitrary RNG seed for ocamlopt which would be a way to fix an issue affecting many OCaml packages. Dhole submitted a patch adding support for SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in qhelpgenerator. A modified package has been sent to the experimental repository as well. Several packages have been updated for the experimental toolchain: doxygen (akira), and dpkg (h01ger). Also, h01ger has built and uploaded all experimental packages having arch:any packages for armhf: dpkg, gettext, doxygen, fontforge, libxslt and texlive-bin. We are now providing our toolchain for armhf and amd64. Packages fixed As you might have noticed, Debian sid is currently largely uninstallable, due to the GCC 5 transition, which also can be see in our reproducibility test setup. Please help! The following packages became reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: glosstex, indent, ktikz, liblouis, libmicrohttpd, linkchecker, multiboot, qterm, rrep, trueprint, twittering-mode. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Patches submitted which have not made their way to the archive yet: Lunar reported an issue on an unstable ABI from a generated header in icedove reminding of an issue affecting libical-dev. The bug has since been fixed by Carsten Schoenert. akira identified an unreferenced embeded code copy (causing unreproducibility!) in gperf. The scheduler has temporarily been changed to not schedule any already tested packages for sid and experimental, due to the the GCC 5 transitions, which are well visible in our graphs now. On the plus side this has caused our stretch testing to catch up (and improve stats). (h01ger) depwait packages (packages where the Build-Depends cannot be satisfied) are now listed in the last 24h and last 48h pages (Mattia Rizzolo) Two new amd64 build nodes (with 8 cores and 32 GB RAM each) have been added, kindly sponsored by Profitbricks. (h01ger) The 4 armhf (setup last week by Vagrant Cascadian) and 2 amd64 build nodes have been made available to Jenkins. Remote job scheduling has been implemented and 35 new jobs have been added for pbuilder and schroot creation and maintenance of the nodes. (h01ger) The manual scheduler gained a flag (-a/--architecture) to select which arch to schedule in. (Mattia Rizzolo) armhf will only be testing stretch for now, due to limited hardware ressources. (h01ger) The page listing maintainers of unreproducible packages gained internal anchors. As an example, one can now link to unreproducible orphaned packages. (Mattia Rizzolo) Packages with a bug tagged pending are marked using a new symbol: a brown P (Mattia Rizzolo) diffoscope development debbindiff is now called diffoscope! It also has a website at The name was changed to better reflect that it became a general purpose tool, capable of comparing many different archive formats, or directories. Version 29 is the renaming release. Amongst a couple of other cosmetic changes a favicon showing the new logo has been added to the generated HTML reports. Version 30 replaces the file matching algorithm for files listed in .changes to a smarter one that removes only the version number. It also fixes a bug where squashfs directories were being extracted even if their content was being compared at a later stage. It also fixes an issue with the test suite that was detected by debci. Documentation update More rationale have been added for supporting SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH The unfinished Reproducible Builds HOWTO is now visible on the web, feedback and patches most welcome. Package reviews 261 obsolete reviews have been removed, 73 added and 145 updated this week.

6 May 2015

Charles Plessy: Long life to Jessie!

Debian published Jessie last month. Big congratulations to the release team and all the contributors; quality is again at the rendez-vous! This time, I could not contribute much, being busy with parental activities (hello my son, if you read me), apart from making sure that my packages are ready for the D Day. This work was made easy by the automated removals of buggy packages set up by the release team. Many thanks for that development. I hope to use Jessie for a long time without the need of upgrading to Testing. At the moment, it provides everything I need, including the input of Japanese characters together with the possibility to switch between Japanese (or American) and multilingual Canadian keyboard layouts, which was not easy to do anymore in Wheezy. Many thanks again.

4 February 2015

Charles Plessy: News of the package mime-support.

The package mime-support is installed by default on Debian systems. It has two roles: first to provide the file /etc/mime.types that associates media types (formerly called MIME types) to suffixes of file names, and second to provide the mailcap system that associates media types with programs. I adopted this package at the end of the development cycle of Wheezy. Changes since Wheezy. The version distributed in Jessie brings a few additions in /etc/mime.types. Among them, application/vnd.debian.binary-package and text/vnd.debian.copyright, which as their name suggest describe two file formats designed by Debian. I registered these types to the IANA, which is more open to the addition of new types since the RFC 6838. The biggest change is the automatic extraction of the associations between programs and media types that are declared in the menu files in FreeDesktop format. Before, it was the maintainer of the Debian package who had to extract this information and translate it in mailcap format by hand. The automation is done via dpkg triggers. A big thank you to Kevin Ryde who gave me a precious help for the developments and corrections to the run-mailcap program, and to all the other contributors. Your help is always welcome! Security updates. In December, Debian has been contacted by Timothy D. Morgan, who found that an attacker could get run-mailcap to execute commands by inserting them in file names (CVE-2014-7209). This first security update for me went well, thanks to the help and instructions of Salvatore Bonaccorso from the Security team. The problem is solved in Wheezy, Jessie and Sid, as well as in Squeeze through its long term support. One of the consequences of this security update is that run-mailcap will systematically use the absolute path to the files to open. For harmless files, this is a bit ugly. This will perhaps be improved after Jessie is released. Future projects The file /etc/mime.types is kept up to date by hand; this is slow and inefficient. The package shared-mime-info contains similar information, that could be used to autogenerate this file, but that would require to parse a XML source that is quite complex. For the moment, I am considering to import Fedora's mailcap package, where the file /etc/mime.types is very well kept up to date. I have not yet decided how to do it, but maybe just by moving that file from one package to the other. In that case, we would have the mime-support package that would provide mailcap support, and the package whose source is Fedora's mailcap package who would provide /etc/mime.types. Perhaps it will be better to use clearer names, such as mailcap-support for the first and media-types for the second? Separating the two main functionalities of mime-support would have an interesting consequence: the possibility of not installing the support for the mailcap system, or to make it optional, and instead to use the FreeDesktop sytem (xdg-open), from the package xdg-utils. Something to keep in mind...

14 January 2015

Charles Plessy: nodejs-legacy

apt install nodejs-legacy if you want npm install to work.

26 November 2014

Charles Plessy: Browsing debian-private via SSH

I recently realised that one can browse the archives of debian-private via SSH. I find this a good compromise between subscription and ignorance. Here is for instance the command for November.
ssh -t mutt -f /home/debian/archive/debian-private/debian-private.201411

9 November 2014

Charles Plessy: Did we need a general resolution?

In 2009 I called for a general resolution regarding membership procedures in Debian, to block a change that, in my opinion, was going against our values. Results, even if they satisfied the majority came with a bitter feeling and it became questioned whether a better solution could have been reached without using a constraining procedure. I did not think so, but not to the point of not having doubts about it, and therefore, regrets. This year, we are again having a vote related to a change that some people think it goes against our values, and again the existence of this vote makes it hard to find compromises. Bitterness will win whatever the result is. For the avoidance of doubt, I have proposed the amendment number 3, stating that this general resolution should not have been started. I hope that this amendment will defeat the original proposition and will make people think twice before pressing Debian's alarm button next time. PS: amendment 3, that is amendment C, that is choice 4. If there was a need for an example that the procedure is complex, here it is...

21 October 2014

Lucas Nussbaum: Tentative summary of the amendments of the init system coupling GR

This is an update of my previous attempt at summarizing this discussion. As I proposed one of the amendments, you should not blindly trust me, of course. :-) First, let s address two FAQ: What is the impact on jessie?
On the technical level, none. The current state of jessie already matches what is expected by all proposals. It s a different story on the social level. Why are we voting now, then?
Ian Jackson, who submitted the original proposal, explained his motivation in this mail. We now have four different proposals: (summaries are mine) [plessy] is the simplest, and does not discuss the questions that the other proposals are answering, given it considers that the normal Debian decision-making processes have not been exhausted. In order to understand the three other proposals, it s useful to break them down into several questions. Q1: support for the default init system on Linux
A1.1: packages MUST work with the default init system on Linux as PID 1.
(That is the case in both [iwj] and [lucas]) A1.2: packages SHOULD work with the default init system on Linux as PID 1.
With [dktrkranz], it would no longer be required to support the default init system, as maintainers could choose to require another init system than the default, if they consider this a prerequisite for its proper operation; and no patches or other derived works exist in order to support other init systems. That would not be a policy violation. (see this mail and its reply for details). Theoretically, it could also create fragmentation among Debian packages requiring different init systems: you would not be able to run pkgA and pkgB at the same time, because they would require different init systems. Q2: support for alternative init systems as PID 1
A2.1: packages MUST work with one alternative init system (in [iwj])
(Initially, I thought that one here should be understood as sysvinit , as this mail, Ian detailed why he chose to be unspecific about the target init system. However, in that mail, he later clarified that a package requiring systemd or uselessd would be fine as well, given that in practice there aren t going to be many packages that would want to couple specifically to systemd _or_ uselessd, but where support for other init systems is hard to provide.)
To the user, that brings the freedom to switch init systems (assuming that the package will not just support two init systems with specific interfaces, but rather a generic interface common to many init systems).
However, it might require the maintainer to do the required work to support additional init systems, possibly without upstream cooperation.
Lack of support is a policy violation (severity >= serious, RC).
Bugs about degraded operation on some init systems follow the normal bug severity rules. A2.2: packages SHOULD work with alternative init systems as PID 1. (in [lucas])
This is a recommendation. Lack of support is not a policy violation (bug severity < serious, not RC). A2.3: nothing is said about alternative init systems (in [dktrkranz]). Lack of support would likely be a wishlist bug. Q3: special rule for sysvinit to ease wheezy->jessie upgrades
(this question is implicitly dealt with in [iwj], assuming that one of the supported init systems is sysvinit)
A3.1: continue support for sysvinit (in [lucas])
For the jessie release, all software available in Debian wheezy that supports being run under sysvinit should continue to support sysvinit unless there is no technically feasible way to do so. A3.2: no requirement to support sysvinit (in [dktrkranz])
Theoretically, this could require two-step upgrades: first reboot with systemd, then upgrade other packages Q4: non-binding recommendation to maintainers
A4.1: recommend that maintainers accept patches that add or improve
support for alternative init systems. (in both [iwj] and [lucas], with a different wording) A4.2: say nothing (in [dktrkranz]) Q5: support for init systems with are the default on non-Linux ports
A5.1: non-binding recommendation to add/improve support with a high priority (in [lucas]) A5.2: say nothing (in [iwj] and [dktrkranz]) Comments are closed: please discuss by replying to that mail.

1 February 2014

Charles Plessy: European consultation on copyrights.

I eventually answered to the Public Consultation on the review of the EU copyright rules. As a coincidence, the radio was playing European Super State, from Killing Joke. One can see in the consultation the picture of an Internet shaped to better control the diffusion and copy of non-free works, and monitor for possible infractions. It is therefore important to answer and remind primacy of the presumption of innocence, and the importance of the respect of privacy. Nevertheless, I also asked for reducing exceptions of copyrights, because to give a temporary access to non-free works at zero cost has the consequence of reducing the incentive for creating alternatives that can be copied, modified and redistributed freely.

20 January 2014

Enrico Zini: terminal-emulators

Quest for a terminal emulator The requirements I need a terminal emulator. This is a checklist of the features that I need: My experience is that getting all of this to work is not being as easy as it seems, so I'm creating this page to track progress. gnome-terminal I've been happily using this for years, and it did everything I needed, until some months ago it started to open new tabs in the terminal's working directory instead of the last tab's working directory. This is a big point of frustration for me. It also started opening https urls with Firefox, although the preferred browser was Chromium. There seemed to be no way to control it: I looked for firefox or iceweasel in all gconf and dconf settings and found nothing. The browser issue was fixed by accident when I used Xfce4's settings application to change the browser from Chromium to Firefox and then back to Chromium. update, thanks to Mathieu Parent, Josh Triplett, Peter De Wachter, Julien Cristau, and Charles Plessy: It is also possible to restore the "new tab opened inside the same directory of the last tab I was in" behaviour, by enabling "run command as a login shell" so that /etc/profile.d/ is run (thanks Mathieu Parent for the link). That in turn spawned extra cleanup work in my .bashrc/.bash_profile/.profile setup, which has been randomly evolving since even before my first Debian "buzz" system. I found that it was setting PROMPT_COMMAND to something else to set the terminal title, conflicting with what wants to do. With regards to loading /etc/profile.d/ by default, Peter De Watcher sent pointers to relevant bugs: here, here, and here. An alternative strategy is to work using the prompt rather than PROMPT_COMMAND; an example is in Josh Triplett's .bashrc from git:// Josh Triplett also said:
To fix the browser launched for URLs, you either need to use a desktop environment following GNOME's mechanism for setting the default browser, or edit ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list and make sure x-scheme-handler/http, x-scheme-handler/https, and x-scheme-handler/ftp are set to your preferred browser's desktop file basename under [Added Associations].
All my issues with gnome-terminal are now gone and I'm only too happy to go back to it. rxvt-unicode-256color urxvt took some work. This is where I got with configuration:
URxvt.font: xft:Monospace-10:antialias=true
URxvt.foreground: #aaaaaa
URxvt.background: black
URxvt.scrollBar_right: true
URxvt.cursorBlink: true
URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,matcher,tabbedex
URxvt.url-launcher: /usr/bin/x-www-browser
URxvt.matcher.button: 1
URxvt.perl-lib: /home/enrico/.urxvt/perl
URxvt.color0: black
URxvt.color1: #aa0000
URxvt.color2: #00aa00umask
URxvt.color3: #aa5500
URxvt.color4: #0000aa
URxvt.color5: #aa00aa
URxvt.color6: #00aaaa
URxvt.color7: #aaaaaa
URxvt.color8: #555555
URxvt.color9: #ff5555
URxvt.color10: #55ff55
URxvt.color11: #ffff55
URxvt.color12: #5555ff
URxvt.color13: #ff55ff
URxvt.color14: #55ffff
URxvt.color15: #ffffff
I got all of the tab behaviour that I need by "customizing" the tab script (yuck github :( ). Missing sakura Configuration is in .config/sakura/sakura.conf and these bits help:
font=Monospace 10
Missing lxterminal Configuration is in .config/lxterminal/lxterminal.conf and this is relevant to me:
fontname=DejaVu Sans Mono 10
Also, to open a url directly you control+click it. Missing terminator Configuration is in .config/terminator/config and this is relevant to me:
  use_custom_url_handler = True
  custom_url_handler = x-www-browser
  inactive_color_offset = 1.0
  close_term = None
  close_window = None
  copy = None
  cycle_next = None
  cycle_prev = None
  go_down = None
  go_next = None
  go_prev = None
  go_up = None
  group_all = None
  group_tab = None
  hide_window = None
  move_tab_left = None
  move_tab_right = None
  new_tab = None
  new_terminator = None
  new_window = None
  next_tab = None
  paste = None
  prev_tab = None
  reset_clear = None
  reset = None
  resize_down = None
  resize_left = None
  resize_right = None
  resize_up = None
  rotate_ccw = None
  rotate_cw = None
  scaled_zoom = None
  search = None
  split_horiz = None
  split_vert = None
  switch_to_tab_1 = <Alt>F1
  switch_to_tab_2 = <Alt>F2
  switch_to_tab_3 = <Alt>F3
  switch_to_tab_4 = <Alt>F4
  switch_to_tab_5 = <Alt>F5
  switch_to_tab_6 = <Alt>F6
  switch_to_tab_7 = <Alt>F7
  switch_to_tab_8 = <Alt>F8
  switch_to_tab_9 = <Alt>F9
  switch_to_tab_10 = <Alt>F10
  toggle_scrollbar = None
  toggle_zoom = None
  ungroup_all = None
  ungroup_tab = None
  <span class="createlink">default</span>
    palette = "#000000:#aa0000:#00aa00:#aa5500:#0000aa:#aa00aa:#00aaaa:#aaaaaa:#555555:#ff5555:#55ff55:#ffff55:#5555ff:#ff55ff:#55ffff:#ffffff"
    copy_on_selection = True
    icon_bell = False
    background_image = None
    show_titlebar = False
Missing update: Richard Hartmann pointed out that terminator's upstream maintainer now changed after the old one didn't have time any more, and it should have a release with a ton of improvements anytime soon. xfce4-terminal Configuration is in .config/xfce4/terminal, and this is relevant to me: terminalrc:
FontName=Monospace 10
(gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/terminal-window/goto-tab-1" "<Alt>F1")
(gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/terminal-window/goto-tab-2" "<Alt>F2")
(gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/terminal-window/goto-tab-3" "<Alt>F3")
(gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/terminal-window/goto-tab-4" "<Alt>F4")
(gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/terminal-window/goto-tab-5" "<Alt>F5")
(gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/terminal-window/goto-tab-6" "<Alt>F6")
(gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/terminal-window/goto-tab-7" "<Alt>F7")
(gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/terminal-window/goto-tab-8" "<Alt>F8")
(gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/terminal-window/goto-tab-9" "<Alt>F9")
(gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/terminal-window/goto-tab-10" "<Alt>F10")
(gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/terminal-window/goto-tab-11" "<Alt>F11")
(gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/terminal-window/goto-tab-12" "<Alt>F12")
update: Yves-Alexis Perez points out that to disable the F1 for help in the terminal, you need to remove the accelerator. I tried this and this and didn't have success, but I confess I did not dig too much into it. Although xfce4-terminal -e does not work as I expect, xfce4-terminal registers a wrapper for x-terminal-emulator that does the right thing with respect to -e (also thanks Yves-Alexis Perez). Missing roxterm Configuration is in .config/ split in several files corresponding to profiles. This is a reasonable starting point for me: Profiles/Default:
[roxterm profile]
[roxterm colour scheme]
[roxterm shortcuts scheme]
File/New Window=
File/New Tab=
File/Close Window=
File/Close Tab=
Tabs/Previous Tab=
Tabs/Next Tab=
View/Zoom In=<Control>plus
View/Zoom Out=<Control>minus
View/Normal Size=<Control>0
View/Full Screen=F11
View/Scroll Up One Line=
View/Scroll Down One Line=
Edit/Copy & Paste=
Search/Find Next=
Search/Find Previous=
File/New Window With Profile/Default=
File/New Tab With Profile/Default=
[roxterm options]
Missing Nothing of my initial requirements seems to be missing, really, so I'm sticking to it for a while to see what happens. The first itch to scratch is that when the menubar is hidden, the popup menu becomes the entire menubar contents, which does not fit the general use case to have a contextual menu with the most common shortcuts. I'll just declare it useless and get myself used to some new hotkey for starting a new terminal. update: after fixing my issues with gnome-terminal I've switched back to gnome-terminal: its interface feels less clunky as I'm already used to it. Other references Guillem Jover made a similar analysis in 2009, it can be found here. Thomas Koch mentioned that termit should be able to do all I need, and is scriptable in Lua. I like the sound of that, and it's definitely one I should look next time I find myself shopping for terminal emulators.

14 December 2013

Charles Plessy: Tired

This morning when preparing the update of a package, and I saw a PNG file in its documentation. Even before opening it, I felt old, tired, distressed and unable to escape the situation. Inspecting the file confirmed that the image was not hand made. The source file is missing. The proof: anther image in the same directory has the same style and a SVG source. To make things worse, there are no instructions on how to generate the PNG from the SVG. More and more in these cases, I give up and abandon the package. I lost time and energy make Upstream some requirements for which I personally have no concrete interest. SVG in addition to PNG is better, but PNG alone for the documentation of a Free software is Free enough for me. However, the points of view expressed on debian-devel give me the impression that it is not good enough for Debian, so I just give up

17 November 2013

Charles Plessy: The source of a package developed in a Git repository is that repository.

In his blog, Lars puts words on my feelings of weariness in these situations where we are asked much efforts to make our packages modifiable by contributors who can not or want not to use Git. Most of the core Debian tools, dpkg, debhelper, litnian, debian-installer and many others are developed in Git repositories. Somebody serious about contributing to Debian can hardly avoid Git. It is time for our tools and methods to evolve and take advantage of Git. This requires to say no thank you to contributions based on source packages downloaded from our FTP server, instead of being cloned from the Git repository where the package is actually developed, and this calls the question of what is the real source of the binary packages, but this is a question that is becoming unavoidable.

27 October 2013

Charles Plessy: Debian-Installer in the Amazon cloud.

I prepared machine images of the Debian Installer in each region of the Amazon Elastic Computing Cloud, following the method that I described earlier, and that I updated and documented in Debian's wiki. Started with a preseed file, these images install Debian la carte on a storage volume that can then be registered as a new machine image. This is not yet automatic, but I am working on it. In the meantime, it is possible to install Debian interactively using the network console.

14 October 2013

Charles Plessy: Update of EMBOSS explorer in Wheezy.

EMBOSS explorer was broken in Debian 7 (Wheezy) because of an incompatibly with EMBOSS 6.4. The package was repaired with the second update (7.2). The development and maintenance of EMBOSS explorer have stopped for many years. If a new serious bug surfaces, we may need to remove the package rather than repair it. In consequence, do not hesitate to suggest us an alternative, or if you are developer and need EMBOSS explorer, to see how you can reinvigorate this project (currently on SourceForge).

20 July 2013

Charles Plessy: triggers in Dpkg and RPM: a comparaison.

Dpkg and RPM provide a mechanism called triggers. But are they doing the same thing? There are two different types of triggers for Dpkg: explicit and file. In the case of explicit triggers, the script of a package A will activate a package B. The file type is more frequently used. In that case, the creation, modification or deletion of a file in a path declared by a package B will activate the package B. The triggers are often used when a package A has to register an information to a package B. For instance, when a graphical application is installed, its package will add its description in the /usr/share/applications directory, which will trigger the desktop-file-utils package, which will do what is necessary to add a new menu entry in the window manager. RPM's triggers function differently. The installation, update or removal of a package A will activate a package B if this package B declares its interest for the package A in its SPEC file (with possible restrictions on package A's version). The documentation of RPM and Fedora gives a few examples of use, like the update of symbolic links when one mail server is replaced by another. Altogether, despite both mechanisms have the same name, they do not have the same goal. In the case of Dpkg, the triggers are especially useful to group similar actions. For instance, to update the list of manual pages once after installing a hundred of packages, instead of a hundred of times, after installing each package. They are also useful to transfer commands from a large number of packages to a central one, thus easing the evolution of the system. In the case of RPM, the triggers seem more specialised, as they always are about the relationship between a pair of packages.

13 July 2013

Charles Plessy: Dpkg triggers soon in Debian's policy manual.

Dpkg provides a mechanism to execute again the postint script of a package in some conditions triggered by the installation of another package. The description of this mechanism is scattered between two manual pages, dpkg-trigger (1) and deb-triggers (5), and the file /usr/share/doc/dpkg-dev/triggers.txt.gz. To provide a broader overview and to promote the use of triggers, we will add a section for them in the Debian Policy. The work is well advanced and tracked in the bug number 582109. The most recent version of the patch is available following this link. There needs only one more seconding opinion for this patch to be accepted. Seconds are not personal opinions, but are given when one thinks that a proposal reflects the consensus in Debian (see the process to change the Policy). If after inspecting this patch you feel qualified to second it, this will be welcome. Of course, other comments to improve or amend the patch are also welcome.

1 May 2013

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: My Free Software Activities in April 2013

This is my monthly summary of my free software related activities. If you re among the people who made a donation to support my work (102.70 , thanks everybody!), then you can learn how I spent your money. Otherwise it s just an interesting status update on my various projects. Debian France Work on Galette. I spent quite some time on Debian France s galette installation (the web application handling its member database), first converting its Postgres database to UTF-8, then upgrading to 0.7.4 while working-around many known problems. I also created Debian packages of three Galette plugins that we have been using (galette-plugin-paypal, galette-plugin-admintools, galette-plugin-fullcard). But every time I use galette, I tend to find something to report. This month I filed 5 tickets: I tested quite some fixes prepared by the upstream author (3 of the above bugs are already fixed) and this lead to the bugfix release. Preliminary work on new bylaws. I have setup a git repository to make it easier to collaborate on new versions of our bylaws and internal rules. The goal is to make Debian France a trusted organization of Debian and to update everything to be compliant with the association 1901 law (we currently have a special statute reserved to associations from Alsace/Moselle). Kali Linux Improve accessibility support in Debian Wheezy. Offensive Security wanted Kali Linux to be fully accessible to disabled people. Since Wheezy was suffering from some serious regressions in that area, we hired Emilio Pozuelo Monfort to fix #680636 and #689559 in gdm3. On my side, I updated debian-installer s finish-install to correctly pre-configure the system when you make an install with speech synthesis (patch submitted in #705599).
Thanks to accommodating release managers, this work has already been integrated in Wheezy and won t have to wait the first point release. Fix bugs in Debian s live desktop installer. We also wanted to enable the desktop installer in the Kali live DVD. While our first tries a few months ago failed, this time it worked almost out of the box (thanks to Ben Armstrong who fixed it). I still identified a few issues that I fixed in debian-installer-launcher s git repository. Packaging and misc Debian work I also spent a significant number of hours to answer questions of students who want to participate in Google s summer of code and who are interested by the rewrite of the Package Tracking System with Python and Django. Some of the discussions happened on Thanks See you next month for a new summary of my activities.

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21 April 2013

Charles Plessy: Do we really need contrib ?

The Debian project distributes software packages via its archive, propagated through a network of mirrors. This archive is organised in three areas, main, that contains the Debian system, and contrib and non-free, that contain accessory packages that are not Free. The packages in non-free contain files that have a proprietary license. The source packages in contrib contain only Free files, but produce binary packages that are either useless without the access to remote services, or contain non-Free files, or cause the installation of non-Free materials. The contrib area is an endless source of discussions, as it is not always easy to draw the line between what is usable and what is useless without remote services. I wonder if it would be better to replace the contrib area by a new priority level, remote , lower than extra. Packages that are entirely Free (source and binary) and that do not cause the installation of proprietary software would be fit for main. For the packages that can not function without non-Free software, given that the work to be done to free them is the same regardless whether the proprietary code is included in the source package (in non-free) or not (in contrib), I think that in both cases the package should be in non-free as it is not Free in practice. This would allow for a simple criterion: does the selection of a binary package trigger the installation of non-Free files? If yes, the package and its source belong to non-free. If not, they belong to main. Then, if they need to access a remote service that would not be possible to set up on a network where only Debian is available, their priority would be remote.

13 April 2013

Charles Plessy: Umegaya now hosted at Branchable

Thanks to Joey's present, umegaya is now hosted at Branchable. Thanks !

